Hi don't have any migraines to report since my last feedback, however, I experience more energy and concentration when I'm on the Keto MiGone powder, also less stress complications, don't know if it's just placebo but I doubt it. What a great product, changed my life style completely.. Migrain free. Excellent product in my view..
- Thank you so much. FRED.
The Keto MiGone power has been great only had a headache on my recent flight. I had some in my handbag took a serving and it went away within 20 minutes. Doing the ketone strips on the morning, reading had been between 0.5 and 1.5. no migraines in the last 10 days
I have received my MiGone Powder over the weekend. On Saturday I experienced the onset of a migraine, I took another serving as directed as it went away within 10 minutes!
I had one headache last week Wednesday, in the afternoon. 1st one on the powder since I started using it 6 days ago. Took two scoops in 500ml water and it went away in 15 min. I think it was my own fault as I didn’t drink a lot of fluids that day. This week back on the capsules. No headaches/migraines so far since we have upped the dosage to 4 per day.
I have been taking the Keto MiGone again up to Friday, had a headache or two but no migraines for more than 3weeks now, an amazing improvement!
Just an update on MiGone. Started using the powder formula for more than a week now and very pleased to report no migraines at all. Starting to feel very excited and positive about your product. Thank you very much so far.
I’ve been following the programme for several weeks now using the Powder product as indicated. So far I have not had a single headache or migraine, which is a massive improvement! I usually have a number of migraines in such a period
I have been suffering from migraines for almost my whole adulthood. Unfortunately they are hormonal migraines and luckily only get them for one week a month, linked to my cycle. Done every single test, changed my diet, changed my “pill”, went off the “pill”, went back on it, seen every single doctor and the final result is learn to life with it. There is nothing we can do to stop the migraines. So with this result I know exactly when I can expect my migraines and make sure that I always have Maxalt with me for the week.
I heard about the MiGone trial and decided to jump on this immediately. I will do anything and everything just to make this more manageable.
I started with the MiGone powder.
I drank this everyday for the first month. Mixing the powder with water and sipped over 2 hours. Used the Keto Strips as soon as I wake up in the morning and got the same result – negative.
Day 3
I developed a headache but managed it with 2 pain killers and it went away. Triggered a headache but did not go into a migraine – this is a good sign.
Month 1
According to my calendar Monday my migraine must start – drinking my MiGone powder I’m waiting to see what happens – Nothing – No migraine whatsoever, is this too good to be true???
Day 2 of my cycle – still no migraine – what is happening?
Day 3 – dammit migraine hit and it hits hard. According to the instructions I got to drink 2 scoops of powder with 500ml of water and drink it quickly – I have done that, waited and guessed what, the migraine lifted.
No more migraine for the rest of the week.
This is great as I used to suffer from severe migraines for at least 5 days.
Month 2
Now the next experiment starts – only drink the powder a day before the cycle and during the cycle.
Positive result NO migraines for the cycle week.
This is life changing.
Month 3
Another experiment
I tried splitting the dose half morning half afternoon, I found this difficult. So what happened I only drank it in the morning and forgot to get to it in the afternoon.
Result – not great as I didn’t stick to the instructions and really struggled with my migraines again.
Month 4
Powder is Power.
Started to drink the powder 2 days before and again result was great.
Got some light headaches and 1 migraine – this is winning for me.
Month 5
Decided to try a month with no MiGone powder
5 days of migraine. - Bad idea!
Month 6
Guess what - powder is power!
I have also recommended the product to my cousin – who also suffers and he is getting a fantastic result with it. Bought my mom some powder as well – she continued to get headaches but didn’t go over into her chronic migraines.
In conclusion, I enjoy the powder and sip this over 2 hours, this also helps me with my water intake and getting great results - This is life changing!!
- Melissa Cook