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A new alternative to Migraine relief

Did you know that Ketones can give you relief from migraines?
And did you know you can get Ketones without being on any special diet? With MiGone you can have all the benefits and relief that ketones offer, in a simple drink each day, and do the things you want to do!

"MiGone Powder is Power! I have recommended the product to my cousin – who also suffers and he is getting a fantastic result with it. Bought my mom some powder as well. In conclusion, I enjoy the powder and sip this over 2 hours, this also helps me with my water intake and getting great results - This is life changing!!"

- Melissa Cook


How MiGone works

Keto MiGone is a daily supplement in capsule or powder that is specifically formulated on the latest research, that may assist with the prevention and severity of migraines.

An increasing amount of evidence suggests that many migraines are a response to a change in the energy supplied to the brain either as
a deficiency, surge or oxidative stress. Ketone bodies are an alternative fuel source that provide a consistent flow of energy to the brain and play a large role in migraine prevention by neutralising these surges and deficits.

The ketogenic diet leads to the elevation of ketone bodies by the reduction of carbohydrates in the diet to levels that lead to the production of ketone bodies. This has recently shown great promise in the prevention of migraines but for most people very difficult to achieve and maintain.

New research is showing that BHB Ketones are more than just metabolites but signalling molecules too, and have the potential to positively influence other pathways believed to be part of migraine causing mechanisms.  Namely: mitochondrial functioning, oxidative stress, cerebral excitability, inflammation and the gut microbiome. * These are exciting finding for migraine sufferers.

Read more about the science behind MiGone...

I have received my MiGone Powder over the weekend. On Saturday I experienced the onset of a migraine, I took another serving as directed as it went away within 10 minutes!


I’ve been following the programme for several weeks now using the MiGone Powder as indicated. So far I have not had a single headache or migraine, which is a massive improvement! I usually have a number migraines in such a period.


I have been taking the Keto MiGone Capsules again up to Friday, had a headache or two but no migraines for more than 3weeks now, a definite improvement on the Keto Nutrition program. 


Use MiGone Daily to prevent Migraines that stop you from doing the things you want to do like...